

 Eva Tsagaraki is a visual artist, photographer and performer based in Athens. Graduated with distinction from the Athens School of Fine Arts, studied at the 2nd Sculpture Laboratory with professor George Lappas (2010-15) and at the 1st Sculpture Laboratory with Nikos Tranos (2009-2010). As part of her studies she attended workshops of Photography, Graphic Arts, Typography and The Art of the Book, Ceramics and Multimedia. Received a scholarship and completed at the Université Paris VII in Paris, a series of workshops on video art, chinese painting, and the theoretical and practice-based thesis -project tutoré "Ma: Reflexions Cycliques et Rituelles". She traveled to Colombia (2012-13) and created a documentary under the same title, related to ancient  healing practices of the shamans. She practices contemporary dance, butoh, contact improvisation, martial  and healing arts, focusing her research on the way in which different art forms are combined and met in a broader context of ritual process. Founder of the Allopix group (2015), represented Greece at the Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale in Milan and member of the dance group Wrong Movement (2008-2014). Her research on Public Space and Art from Gender Perspective was presented at the Gender Department of Panteion University (2019). She  organises art projects and works as educator  with vulnerable and other groups. (2019-24) She studies at the Academy of Ancient Greek and Traditional Chinese Medicine(2022) and receives a scholarship, the Chinese Government Sino-European Credit Student Program, for further training in Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China .Her works have been presented  in symposia, museums and numerous exhibitions in Greece and abroad.



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2024 BAIHUI/Extravehicular Activities co-exhibition with artist Christos Ponis, curated by Eliza Gerolimatou, Municipal Pinacotheque Lefa  of Phychico,  Athens

2023 Artist residency Α. Kalatzis Gallery, Patmos island 

2022 ‘The Machine in the Ghost’, Talc Studio, curated by Vasiliki Panagiotopoulou, Athens

2022 A catalog presentation and exhibition in critical dialogue with Salvador Dali's "The Anthropomorphic Cabinet", DomagkAteliers, Munich

2021 Artist Residency at Α. Kalatzis Gallery, Patmos island

2020-21  Chinese Government Sino-European Credit Student of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine  

2019-24 studying at the Academy of Ancient Greek and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Athens

2021 Graduates of Düsseldorf Academy of Arts 2020, Coming to Voice, ‘Calling the anthropomorphic cabinet’, participation in the  book of Samuel Ferstl and music track  for 3d,  K21 Museum Düsseldorf, Germany

2020 Pareidolia exhibition,  Τalc Studio, curated by Panos Matthaiou &Vasiliki Anagnostopoulou, Athens

2019 Urbana project, lecture & workshop on Public Space and Art from Gender Perspective, gender department- Pandeion University, supported by the  Ministry of Culture and Sports,  Athens

2018  Graduates ’14’17, curated by Katerina Tsellou, Kessanlis artspace ,  Athens, Greece

2018 exhibition Graduates ’14’17, Athens School of Fine Arts,  Athens, Greece

2018 exhibition ’Vehicle’ in collaboration with the MDA Association, curated by Marianna Koliri, art space Parnassos, Athens, Greece

2017 Lecture-presentation Reflections Cycliques et Rituelles 2nd  Symposium Performance Philosophy, curated by Stella Dimitrakopoulou & Stafania Mylona in collaboration with EMST, Contemporary National Museum, (EMST), Athens

2016 The Garden of Sculptures , curated by Afroditi Liti, Italian Embassy, Athens Greece

2016 Performance with  Ibrahim Mahama on his artwork Check Point Prosphygika, Documenta 14, Athens,  Greece

2015 Performance Penduloop with Allopix group, 17th Mediterranea Young Artists Bienalle Milan No Food's Land (BJCEM) , represented Greece, supported by the  Ministry of Education of Athens & General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning and Youth   ,Italy  

2015 1st  Fine Arts and Dance Festival curated by Eva Tsagaraki in collaboration with Leros Municipality, Leros island, Greece

2015 Allopix -Penduloop, Lero's Castle in collaboration with Leros Municipality, Leros, Greece

2015 Allopix -Penduloop,BBQ Festival,ASFA, Athens,  Lero's Castle, Greece

2015 Diploma Show at the Fine Arts School of Athens

2015 The 5th Annual Exposure Awards digital display-the portrait collection, Louvre, Paris

2015 Reframe Memory, Taf Gallery,  Athens Photofestival, Athens,Greece

2013 Erasmus Program, theoretical and practice based thesis, Reflexion Cycliques et Rituelles, Paris 8 University, Paris

2012-13 Research travel-Documentary on ancient healing practices, Colombia

2012 Mission Impossible,Wrong Movement Dance Co, Embros   Theater,Athens,Greece

2014 Photobiennale, LOGOS VIII, Museum of Photography, Thessaloniki

2012 Αρπάζοντας (Bull),Wrong Movement Dance Co, 15th  European Dance Festival, Cyprous

2011 Sunny Side Up ,Wandering Bears-,Margate Photo
Festival, Margate,UK

2011 Leaders, animals and tools, B ASFA, Kappatos Gallery, Athens,Greece

2011 Tell me what love is, collective performance Quilombo, Athens,Greece

2011 performance Audition Bakhai, Wrong Movement Dance Co by Konstantin Michos, Athens,Greece

2010 Surprise II, Artaz, Technopolis,Athens,Greece

2010 Artist in Residence, Touch & Play Festival, Cardona, Spain

2009 15 years old, Ashinart, Athens, Greece

2008 Transition, solo performance, choreographed by  IoannaGaragouni University’s Museum of Athens, Greece

2008-2010 Butoh dance performances, choreographed by Katsura Kan,Zante,Athens(BIOS),Zagoria,Greece

2008 St Joan of the Stockyards, B.Brecht,International University Theater Festival,Puebla, Mexico

2008 The unseen,solo photography exhibition Ashinart , Athens, Greece

2007 Out of plan 1, Ashinart, Athens, Greece

2004-2006 Photography,(studies and exhibitions) Cultural Center of Athens, Greece



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